Airtag keychain holder

10 Reasons Why You Must Never Underestimate the Influence of an Airtag Keychain Holder

Influence of an Airtag Keychain Holder


EDITORIAL NOTE: I have purposely used “Apple AirTag” and “Apple Air Tag” (one without space and the other with) because some people may use those formats interchangeably.

What if you had an almost “magical” power to find any lost thing like a set of keys, a child’s backpack, a piece of luggage misdirected in transit, or a purse or bike? Well, if anyone had the power to do something like that, they would wield considerable influence among friends, family, and colleagues. And that’s exactly the type of influence an AirTag keychain loop gives to anyone that holds it!

The Basics First

Before we talk about power and influence, aren’t you curious to know what the AirTag is, and what an AirTag keychain holder does? Well, Apple’s AirTag is a tiny tracking device that weighs around 0.39 ounces (11 grams), and is 1.26 inches in diameter, and 0.31 inches (8 mm) in height. Depending on where you buy it from, the AirTag could cost anywhere between $30 and $40 – sometimes even more.

The problem is, for such a tiny device, Apple does not have any holder or loop around it. So, if you wanted to keep this device in place, around an item like a bag or laptop, it’s an awkward ask! And that’s where an Apple AirTag keychain holder from OYI Gift can help.


Precision-designed, and manufactured of tough material – silicone – these holders neatly, and securely, hold the tiny AirTag in place.  There’s no risk that, once the tag is in place, it will dislodge or fall off. This gives the tag holder great influence in the tracking process.

Power is in the Hands of the Holder!

A typical keychain holder plays little role in helping you locate a missing set of keys around it. Once you place all your keys around ring, the holder ensures those keys stay there. There’s not much else the holder can do. So, if the keys go missing, or if you misplaced them somewhere, you’re on your own trying to find them. But, with an AirTag keychain for Apple devices, all that changes.

One should never underestimate the influence of an Airtag keychain holder!

You see, an AirTag holder isn’t like a “typical” keychain holder. It has great power and influence over articles that get misplaced or lost. And it exerts its influence regardless of whether you lose your items within our home or outside. With an AirTag holder around your missing article, you now have the power – thanks to the holder – to track and locate the article quickly and efficiently.

So, what influence is there in the AirTag keychain holder? Well, here are ten such reasons why you should never underestimate the influence of an Apple Air Tag on a keychain holder:

1. Firstly, as highlighted earlier, the holders exert great influence over whether the tag stays in place or not. When designed as robust, tough, yet elegant silicone loops, the keychain holder ensures the tag remains attached to the devices it is tracking.

2. Next, these holders greatly influence the tracking process by ensuring the tracker stays put! The keychain holder gives the Apple AirTag “staying power”. The tight-fit design means that no amount of shaking, grinding or bumping of the Apple AirTag keychain will move or dislodge the tiny tag.

3. Many trackers come with loosely equipped holding power. However, the silicone keychain AirTag holders are different. They are soft, yet they are rugged. The hollow seat, in which the Apple AirTag inserts itself, gives it a firm grip. The exterior rim serves as a great shock absorber, protecting the firmly-seated Tag from bumps and hits.

Airtag keychain

The best part of the silicone Apple AirTag keychain holder is that they come in different colors. This makes them even more attractive and influential, especially when you have multiple Tags on different items. The colors make it easier to identify.

4. The influence of the keychain holder is greatly multiplied because of the number of device types that the Tag, which it holds, supports. Unlike some features, which are only available on certain Apple devices, the “Find My…” app functionality used by the Apple AirTag works on multiple devices, including iPhones, Macs, and iPads. This means there are more devices than just iPhones that now influence the search for your missing items!

5. But does your Apple AirTag keychain work in rain or water? Thankfully, the holder from OYI Gift is made from silicone – a material that’s water-resistant. That means your Air Tag if it falls in a puddle or a ditch, continues to support your search for the item it is looped around. Water or puddles won’t influence the success of that search!

6. And, how much does “power” influence how well your Air Tag holder works? Well, the tag inside the holder works on battery power. And those batteries have a life of nearly one year. That means the holder continues to help monitor and track your item for 12 months. And, when it’s time to change your battery, the Apple AirTag alerts you too. And that’s yet another way that the holder and Tag combination influences your search for missing and misplaced items.

7. And, there’s more power in the keychain holder too! What happens when you lose or misplace something? You spend a few hours – or days and weeks even! – searching everywhere. Ultimately, after a long search, you either find what went missing, or you give up! Well, the AirTag silicone loop can influence that search process.

Thanks to the fact that it holds the AirTag securely in place, the searcher can activate the Apple “Find My…” app, and home-in on a beeping sound emitted by the tag. The keychain holder can dramatically influence the amount of time you waste looking for something!

8. And, the influence of the keychain holder, with an embedded Apple Air Tag in it, extends way beyond your home or the confines of a room. That power comes from the fact that Apple’s global network of devices synchronizes and tracks the Tag implanted into the AirTag keychain case. That network comprises millions of iPhones, iPads, and Mac devices.

When these devices are active and on the network, they’ll help locate any device that has an AirTag attached to it. So, not only is your search restricted to your own surroundings but – thanks to the AirTag holder, millions of other devices influence the results of that search!

9. One other feature, which influences how quickly you locate missing items, is location tracking. Once the airbag is securely in place around its AirTag keychain loop and activated, it transmits location data to Apple’s iCloud network. The power of that data is such, that by logging into the “Find My…” app, you can quickly and conveniently track and trace the missing item.


The keychain gives searchers the power to track and trace the items with Apple’s mapping feature. And, thanks to the power of the keychain holder, with the Air Tag securely in place, you can follow the map – and helpful directions – and quickly retrieve your lost bike, keys, or luggage.

10. With so many devices joining in the hunt for their lost articles, most owners of an AirTag keychain might worry about privacy and security. Well, the influence of your keychain holder spills into that domain too! The Apple AirTag is registered to one single device – yours. All data transmitted between the “Find My…” app, the iCloud network, and your device, are encrypted. Only the device user, to which the AirTag is registered, can see those communications. You’re tag in your keychain holder does not transmit any data that others can view!

You can buy an Apple AirTag, and use it without any holder or container. Just slip the tag into a purse, bag or suitcase, and it will track your possessions. However, using an AirTag keychain case greatly extends the influence of the tag. It does so by providing an easier way to loop over things like bikes, laptops, smartphones and bookbinders – where it’s challenging to slip a tag inside.

One Size fits All

The best part of the power in using an AirTag keychain for Apple devices is that you won’t need separate holders for different types of devices you wish to tag. If you buy a holder from a reputed novelty gift items manufacturer, you won’t need to search for different holders for each unique item you wish to track.

That’s because experienced gift and toy item producers use precision production techniques and processes. That means your AirTag silicone loop will work on any device or product you wish to track. You may choose to put the tag into the hollow holder and slip the keychain holder into your luggage case. You can also loop the holder around the inside of a bookbinder, and turn on tracking.

Regardless of how you want the holder to function, the power of the Apple AirTag continues to operate. It’s a one-size-fits-all solution because the tag works with any keychain holder you buy. And that’s yet another way that the OYI Gift AirTag keychain holder makes it’s mark, and exerts its influence on tracking and locating missing and lost items.

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